May 12, 2021Indianapolis Institutions Keep 'Open House' in Celebration of National Hospital DayFrom The Indianapolis News, Thursday, May 12, 1921: The first National Hospital Day was observed today throughout the United States and...
May 4, 2021Death-Knell of Doo-Dad Sounded by Ross CraneFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, May 4, 1921: The “doo-dad” is the curse of the modern American home,” declared Ross Crane of the...
Apr 16, 2021District Clubs Demand Revised Immigration LawsFrom The Indianapolis Star, Saturday, April 16, 1921: The Seventh District Federation of Clubs adopted a resolution yesterday demanding...
Mar 31, 2021Ku Klux Klan Leader Admits Active Work in IndianapolisFrom The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, March 31, 1921: Organizers for the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan have been working several weeks in...
Mar 23, 2021Women's Police Department Ranks First in CountryFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, March 23, 1921: Miss Clara Burnside, supervisor of the women’s police bureau, has been promoted...
Mar 14, 2021City Becomes State Basketball Center FridayFrom The Indianapolis Times, Monday, March 14, 1921: Indianapolis becomes the basketball center of Indiana for the first time when the...
Mar 7, 2021Works Board Acts on Propaganda MeetingsFrom The Indianapolis News, Friday, March 7, 1921: The Indianapolis board of public works announced today that no group would be...
Feb 20, 2021Indianapolis is Book PoorFrom The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, February 20, 1921: Indianapolis is book poor! The library is 100,000 volumes short of what a...
Feb 17, 202112 Negro Women Sit in Jury Box in Damage SuitFrom The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, February 17, 1921: For the first time in the legal history of Indianapolis, and possibly the...
Feb 6, 2021Site for New Athletic Club Home ChosenFrom The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, February 6, 1921: The new home of the Indianapolis Athletic Club will be built at the southwest...