3 Year Demand to Clean Out Creeks Gets Action
From The Indianapolis Times, Tuesday, June 28, 1921: Having been criticized for three years for dilatory “buck passing,” the board of sanitary commissioners and the board of public health took action today to stop pollution of Pleasant Run and Bean Creek. Four public health inspectors started surveying the streams to find private sewers, improperly operating sewer interceptors, vaults which are draining into the waterways, and other sources of pollution. Where violations are found, orders will be issued to private property owners from which sewage is flowing to immediately connect with sewers, or if not available to build septic tanks. Meanwhile, the board of sanitary commissioners will attempt to enforce orders issued last year to Citizens Gas Co and American Creosoting Co to cease emptying wastes into Pleasant Run, and to Weber Milk Co to stop throwing waste into Bean Creek.

“3 Year Demand to Clean Out Creeks Gets Action,” The Indianapolis Times, 28 June 1921, p. 4:2