Feb 20, 2021Indianapolis is Book PoorFrom The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, February 20, 1921: Indianapolis is book poor! The library is 100,000 volumes short of what a...
Feb 17, 202112 Negro Women Sit in Jury Box in Damage SuitFrom The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, February 17, 1921: For the first time in the legal history of Indianapolis, and possibly the...
Feb 6, 2021Site for New Athletic Club Home ChosenFrom The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, February 6, 1921: The new home of the Indianapolis Athletic Club will be built at the southwest...
Feb 2, 2021Light Air, Soot and Fog Cause 'Sky Darkness'"From The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, February 2, 1921: A cold “sky blanket of darkness” draped over Indianapolis for most of yesterday....