Mar 16, 2022Board of Works Bars Klan from Tomlinson HallFrom The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, March 16, 1922: Yesterday, the Indianapolis board of public works rescinded its earlier action...
Mar 1, 2022Many Veterans to Participate in Bonus MoveFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, March 1, 1922: As part of a nation-wide movement to force Congress to pass the bonus bill,...
May 4, 2021Death-Knell of Doo-Dad Sounded by Ross CraneFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, May 4, 1921: The “doo-dad” is the curse of the modern American home,” declared Ross Crane of the...
Mar 7, 2021Works Board Acts on Propaganda MeetingsFrom The Indianapolis News, Friday, March 7, 1921: The Indianapolis board of public works announced today that no group would be...