Nov 14, 2021Grand Jury Indicts 21 as Violators of Mattress Label LawFrom The Indianapolis Times, Monday, November 14, 1921: An investigation by the Indianapolis board of health has resulted in twenty-one...
Jul 7, 20213 Year Demand to Clean Out Creeks Gets ActionFrom The Indianapolis Times, Tuesday, June 28, 1921: Having been criticized for three years for dilatory “buck passing,” the board of...
May 11, 2021Indianapolis Institutions Keep 'Open House' in Celebration of National Hospital DayFrom The Indianapolis News, Thursday, May 12, 1921: The first National Hospital Day was observed today throughout the United States and...
Aug 26, 2020Filthy Creeks Cause ProtestFrom The Indianapolis Star, Friday, August 27, 1920: An indignation meeting was held last evening at Shelby and Hervey Streets, with...