Feb 2, 2021Light Air, Soot and Fog Cause 'Sky Darkness'"From The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, February 2, 1921: A cold “sky blanket of darkness” draped over Indianapolis for most of yesterday....
Jan 24, 2021Hotel Men Seeking Way to Stop Use of Search WarrantsFrom The Indianapolis Times, Monday, January 24, 1921: Indianapolis hotel managers are seeking legal methods to protect themselves and...
Jan 20, 2021Hearsay Behind Lurid View of School MoralsFrom The Indianapolis Times, Thursday, January 20, 1921: Lurid pictures of revolting moral conditions in Indianapolis high schools were...
Jan 12, 2021Woman Heads School BoardFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, January 12, 1921: Mrs. Julia Belle Tutewiler has the distinction of being the first woman to...
Jan 4, 2021Plan to Sell 40 City Fire HorsesFrom The Indianapolis Times, Tuesday, January 4, 1921: Motorization has rendered the ninety-eight fine horses in the fire department...