Hearsay Behind Lurid View of School Morals
From The Indianapolis Times, Thursday, January 20, 1921: Lurid pictures of revolting moral conditions in Indianapolis high schools were painted by Rev. Thomas Grafton, pastor of Third Christian Church, yesterday at a meeting of the Oliver P. Morton School Mothers’ Club and P.T.A. “I am told a patrolman, whose beat is in the neighborhood of Shortridge High School, has been supplying liquor to students…Sexual immorality is a serious problem in our high schools, and modern dancing, such as was recently banned at Shortridge, only leads to the things of which I complain,” he asserted. While Rev. Grafton had no first-hand information of these terrible conditions, he believed what he had heard from others was truthful and suggested, as a remedy, Bible study and religious instruction in the public schools be made compulsory upon the pupil if the parents so elected.

“Hearsay Behind Lurid View of School Morals,” The Indianapolis Times, 20 January 1921, p. 1:2