Mar 4, 2021Step to Acquire Property TakenFrom The Indianapolis Times, Friday, March 4, 1921: Yesterday, the board of park commissioners took the first legal step in the program...
Jan 20, 2021Hearsay Behind Lurid View of School MoralsFrom The Indianapolis Times, Thursday, January 20, 1921: Lurid pictures of revolting moral conditions in Indianapolis high schools were...
Jan 12, 2021Woman Heads School BoardFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, January 12, 1921: Mrs. Julia Belle Tutewiler has the distinction of being the first woman to...
May 10, 202010,000 Indianapolis School Children Receive Mid-Morning Lunch of Milk and CrackersFrom The Indianapolis News, Tuesday, May 11, 1920: Ten thousand children in forty-eight Indianapolis public schools are now receiving a...
Apr 29, 2020City Schools Observe Day of PatriotismFrom The Indianapolis Times, Friday, April 30, 1920: Tomorrow, Saturday, May 1 has been proclaimed “America Day” by Gov. James Goodrich...
Mar 17, 2020Musical Memory Contest Arranged for High SchoolsFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, March 17, 1920: A music memory contest will be held in Shortridge High School’s Caleb Mills Hall...
Mar 7, 2020City Teachers Ask for BonusFrom The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, March 7, 1920: Yesterday, members of the Indianapolis Teachers’ Federation asked superintendent...
Feb 5, 2020Americanism Will Be New School SubjectFrom The Indianapolis News, Thursday, February 5, 1920: Courses in Americanism will begin on Lincoln’s birthday in the Indianapolis...