Mar 26, 2019Plan to Pave National RoadFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, March 26, 1919: The reconstruction and paving of the National Road from Richmond to Terre Haute...
Dec 25, 2018Truce Doesn't End Motor Corps WorkFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, December 25: One of the most important army and navy department auxiliaries is the Red Cross...
Sep 2, 2018Autoless Sunday is Generally ObservedFrom The Indianapolis News, Monday, September 2: Few pleasure cars were on the streets of Indianapolis Sunday as the city observed the...
Aug 7, 2018Marion Roads to Be MarkedFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, August 7: The Marion County commissioners will mark all main roads in the county this fall with...
Jul 30, 2018Elevated Tracks at Union Station in UseFrom The Indianapolis News, Tuesday, July 30: The first train, loaded with passengers and express freight, to run on the new elevated...
Feb 12, 2018Motor Rangers, New BattalionFrom The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, February 12: The Indianapolis Automobile Trade Association offered its services and cars to Gov....
Feb 8, 2018Women Organize Another Branch of Travelers' AidFrom The Indianapolis Star, Friday, February 8: Representatives of the Indiana Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, the Council of Jewish...
Jan 23, 2018Favors Skip-Stop on Indianapolis LinesFrom The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, January 23: The idea of skip-stops on the city street car lines is an innovation that is...