May 7, 2019Cheering Crowds Bank the Long Line of MarchFrom The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, May 7, 1919: Glorious Welcome Home Day! A chorus of factory whistles greeted the troop trains...
Dec 25, 2018Truce Doesn't End Motor Corps WorkFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, December 25: One of the most important army and navy department auxiliaries is the Red Cross...
Oct 22, 2018Shortage of Nurses Handicaps Flu FightFrom The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, October 22: Following emergency calls for aid from several Indiana counties where the influenza...
Oct 17, 2018Red Cross Canteen Has Tent at Union StationFrom The Indianapolis News, Thursday, October 17: A tent equipped to care for emergency cases of Spanish influenza which might arise...
Jun 3, 2018Seeking Eighty Nurses for Red Cross ServiceFrom The Indianapolis News, Monday, June 3: The nation-wide Red Cross nursing drive opened today. U. S. Army Surgeon-General William...