Cheering Crowds Bank the Long Line of March
From The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, May 7, 1919: Glorious Welcome Home Day! A chorus of factory whistles greeted the troop trains bringing soldiers of the 150th Field Artillery and members of Base Hospital No. 32 into Union Station for the long-awaited day celebrating our returning Hoosier heroes. A parade of 20,000 men and women - soldiers, marines, sailors, hospital corps, Red Cross nurses - from every county, led by the caisson in memory of those who died for their country, marched along beautifully decorated downtown streets, through the chaste majesty of the Victory Arch, the white and green of the Court of Honor in Monument Circle, and the magnificence of the Court of the Allies with a solid bank of 175,000 citizens standing along the line of march wildly cheering the victors. The sun smiled brightly on the joyous scene.
“Cheering Crowds Bank the Long Line of March,” The Indianapolis News, 7 May 1919, p. 1:1