Dec 8, 2019State Played Big War PartFrom The Indianapolis Star, Monday, December 8, 1919: The Indiana Historical Commission received a report on Indiana’s industrial part...
Sep 10, 2019Legion Plans Campaign HereFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, September 10, 1919: The American Legion starts its national membership campaign Monday and during...
Aug 5, 2019Tribute Paid to Colored SoldiersFrom The Indianapolis News, Tuesday, August 5, 1919: Indianapolis welcomed 150 black soldiers of the 809th Pioneer Infantry back home...
Jun 29, 2019People Languid at Peace NewsFrom The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, June 29, 1919: No clamor of sirens, horns or whistles, no swaying of delirious crowds in the...
Jun 27, 2019Liberty Kitchen to CloseFrom The Indianapolis Star, Friday, June 27, 1919: The Liberty Kitchen, 106 N. Delaware, will close Monday concluding another chapter in...
Jun 16, 2019Army Chances Never BetterFrom The Indianapolis Star, Monday, June 16, 1919: The United States Army Indianapolis Recruiting District operates more stations than...
Jun 11, 201974 High School Cadets to Go to Camp CusterFrom The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, June 11, 1919: Seventy-four junior reserve training corps cadets of the Indianapolis high schools...
Jun 5, 2019Draft Board Members From an OrganizationFrom The Indianapolis News, Thursday, June 5, 1919: The Indiana Society of Selective Board Members was formed today by over 100 former...
May 15, 2019League Now, Or War in Future, Taft DeclaresFrom The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, May 15, 1919: Last evening at Tomlinson Hall, former President William Howard Taft made an earnest...
May 7, 2019Cheering Crowds Bank the Long Line of MarchFrom The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, May 7, 1919: Glorious Welcome Home Day! A chorus of factory whistles greeted the troop trains...