Suffrage Bill on Presidency Passes Senate
From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, February 6, 1919: The Indiana state senate voted of 44 to 3 yesterday afternoon on a bill, which had earlier passed the Indiana state house, 90 to 3, giving women the right to vote for presidential electors. A few senators gave impassioned remarks for and against the bill preceding passage. After the favorable vote, there was no sign of demonstration. The legislation now goes to Governor Goodrich who is expected to sign the bill. Among the state suffrage leaders observing the senate vote were Mrs. Edward Franklin White (Emma) of Indianapolis, head of the Legislative Council of Indiana Women; Mrs. Richard E. Edwards (Marie) of Peru, president of the Woman’s Franchise League; Miss Betsy Edwards of Shelbyville, chair of the league’s legislative committee; and Mrs. Culla Vayhinger of Upland, president of the Indiana W.C.T.U.
“Suffrage Bill on Presidency Passes Senate” The Indianapolis Star, 6 February 1919, p. 1:4