Apr 29, 2020City Schools Observe Day of PatriotismFrom The Indianapolis Times, Friday, April 30, 1920: Tomorrow, Saturday, May 1 has been proclaimed “America Day” by Gov. James Goodrich...
Apr 20, 2020Shortridge Students to Start an Overall ClubFrom The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, April 21, 1920: Protesting the increased price of clothing, boys at Shortridge High School have...
Apr 11, 2020Yardmen Here Join WalkoutFrom The Indianapolis Star, Monday, April 12, 1920: Railroad freight traffic has been practically at a standstill since Saturday when...
Apr 2, 2020Jail Reforms Demanded by Women of CityFrom The Indianapolis Times, Saturday, April 3, 1920: Reports of graft, cruelty and incompetency in the management of the Marion County...