Yardmen Here Join Walkout
From The Indianapolis Star, Monday, April 12, 1920: Railroad freight traffic has been practically at a standstill since Saturday when 2,300 switchmen, switch tenders and yardmen in Indianapolis yards organized the Indianapolis Yardmen’s Association No. 19 and joined the unauthorized national strike in demanding an eight-hour day and time and a half for overtime. The yardmen declared the action was solely because of pay, and any member making radical speeches should be immediately expelled from the organization. While there is no immediate danger of food shortages, arrangements are being made to bring in food supplies by motor trucks. Because of limited supplies of coal and fuel oil used in the manufacture of gas, Citizens’ Gas Co has taken action to cut consumption in half. Mail and passenger trains have maintained schedules with the help of yardmasters and yard office workers.
“Yardmen Here Join Walkout,” The Indianapolis Star, 10 April 1920, p. 1:7
“Motor Trucks Are Relied on to Break Tieup,” The Indianapolis Star, 11 April 1920, p. 1:1
“Local Yardmen Will Stay Out,” The Indianapolis Star, 12 April 1920, p. 1:7