Mar 29, 2020Indiana Offers Welcome Hand to LegionariesFrom The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, March 30, 1920: An enthusiastic gathering last night at Tomlinson Hall of legionaries and citizens...
Mar 23, 2020Cheaper Cuts of Meat Sell at 10 to 15 CentsFrom The Indianapolis News, Monday, March 23, 1920: “Save- Money-on-Meat” week began today with plate boiling beef being offered at 10...
Mar 18, 2020League of Women Voters IncorporatesFrom The Indianapolis News, Friday, February 27, 1920: The Women’s Franchise League of Indiana has filed articles of incorporation with...
Mar 17, 2020Musical Memory Contest Arranged for High SchoolsFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, March 17, 1920: A music memory contest will be held in Shortridge High School’s Caleb Mills Hall...
Mar 7, 2020City Teachers Ask for BonusFrom The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, March 7, 1920: Yesterday, members of the Indianapolis Teachers’ Federation asked superintendent...
Mar 2, 2020City Council, 6 to 2, Rejects Daylight Saving OrdinanceFrom The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, March 2, 1920: The daylight saving time ordinance introduced in the Indianapolis City Council last...