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Want to Vote? Register, Two Opportunities

From The Indianapolis Times, Friday, September 3, 1920: To vote in the November election it is absolutely necessary that you take one of the two opportunities provided to register to vote. Tomorrow is the first of two registration days for voters to register in person in their home precinct from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. It is now too late for voters to register by mail. Women, as well as men, must register. Democratic and Republican state and county parties are completing arrangements to get as near a 100 per cent registration as possible for their strength in the general election will be determined by the number of voters who register. It is up to the precinct organizations to see that every voter is properly registered. The next and last opportunity to register to vote after tomorrow is October 4.


“Want to Vote? Register; Two Opportunities,” The Indianapolis Times, 3 September 1920, p. 1:1


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