Colored Girls to Have Club
From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, January 12, 1919: A recreation and club center will open for the city’s African American girls at 541 Indiana Av under the direction of the National Y.W.C.A. War Council. Miss Z. Otey Stratton will work with older women and Indianapolis welfare providers to create a facility where local girls can have a “wholesome good time and cultivate the best things for themselves and the community.” The center, equipped with comfortable furnishings, a piano, and kitchenette, will be open to school girls under 18 years of age and working girls. Under the sympathetic supervision of older women, the girls may spend time resting, reading, sewing, or engaging in any useful work for themselves. There will also be time for them to engage in some phase of community service. The slogan is “For All Girls at All Times.”
“Colored Girls to Have Club,” The Indianapolis Star, 12 January 1918, p. 23:4