Director of War Gardens Appeals for More Lots
From The Indianapolis Star, Friday, January 25: The city’s patriotic garden acreage may be smaller this coming season than the 523 acres cultivated last year. A survey of available lots which can be used is being compiled by the office of Harry Miesse, Patriotic Gardeners’ Association director. Persons should contact the office and state how much space they can provide to aid in the plan for decreasing the cost of living. Approximately 45,000 Indianapolis gardens last season grew $859,200 (2016: $16,376,175) worth of vegetables. The Indianapolis park superintendent suggested the department could help by propagating 50,000 cabbage and tomato plants for citizens who are unable to buy them. Mr. Miesse is working with seed houses to obtain plans for laying out small gardens to give the greatest possible yield and the widest variety of vegetables suitable for consumption and canning. “Director of War Gardens Appeals for More Lots,” The Indianapolis Star, 25 January 1918, p. 16:4