Pupils Receiving Prizes Awarded for Results in the 'Safety First' Campaign
From The Indianapolis News, Tuesday, June 10, 1924: Safety in school zones from the menace of the speeding motorist has been the theme of a campaign in the schools devised by the police department to throw arms of protection around the child compelled to cross the street on the way to and from school. Yesterday afternoon marked the close of this ‘safety first” campaign for the school year with ceremonies in University Park. Based on recommendations of the Police Accident Prevention Bureau, fifty-two American flags, given by the Automobile Trade Association, were presented to schools having no accidents during the past school year. The Indianapolis News presented two silver loving cups, representing “The Spirit of Safety,” to Public School No. 9 and to St. John’s parochial school for displaying the most earnest spirit in accident prevention during the school year.
“Pupils Receiving Prizes Awarded for Results in the ‘Safety First’ Campaign,” The Indianapolis News, 10 June 1924, p. 4:1