Thousands At Rally of Patriotism
From The Indianapolis Star, Friday, December 14: Thousands stood and cheered at two monster rallies yesterday afternoon and evening at Tomlinson Hall in a demonstration of patriotism at the opening program of the state war conference called by the Indiana State Council of Defense. Nationally recognized speakers told of the actual conditions on the European battle fronts and the things required of America to win the conflict. Former Governor Samuel Ralston denounced the war profiteer and demanded expulsion from the United States for any whisperers of sedition and sowers of discord. If it was patriotism rampant, it was also patriotism proud as the crowd cheered when Lieut. John Philip Sousa led the great navy band in the playing of his own “Stars and Stripes Forever” and the national air, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Today’s sessions will be held at various sites.
“Thousands At Rally of Patriotism,” The Indianapolis Star, 14 December 1917, p. 1:7