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Cheaper Cuts of Meat Sell at 10 to 15 Cents

From The Indianapolis News, Monday, March 23, 1920: “Save- Money-on-Meat” week began today with plate boiling beef being offered at 10 to 15 cents a pound while porterhouse sold from 30 to 55 cents a pound. Stanley Wyckoff, Indiana fair price commissioner, who is leading the campaign to bring down meat prices is urging the public to buy less expensive cuts which is not sold in proportion to the choicer cuts. The prices set by retail markets will be carefully checked against the exact prices at which wholesale meat dealers sell the meat each day. Arrangements are being made to have meat cutting demonstrations in the domestic science classes of the Indianapolis public schools to further the “Save- Money-on-Meat” campaign. Ida Langerwisch, supervisor of domestic science, said the plan is to emphasize the preparation of the cheaper cuts of meat.

“Cheaper Cuts of Meat Sell at 10 to 15 Cents,” The Indianapolis News, 23 March 1920, p. 1:3

“Plans to Check Prices of Meat,” The Indianapolis Star, 23 March 1920, p. 9:3



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