4-Minute-Men Ready for Work
From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, August 25: C. Roltare Eggleston, chairman of the Indianapolis Four-Minute Men, has notified the Committee on Public Information in Washington, DC that the organization is almost at full strength and ready to serve the government. The group of volunteer speakers will be available to give four-minute talks at community and club meetings on topics of the American war effort of vital concern to the people. The Four-Minute Men meet each Monday for lunch at the Board of Trade dining room to hear speakers of national note address the various war activities of the government. The organization will be in charge of an exhibit at the Indiana State Fair next week that was prepared by the United States government. A reserve force of Four-Minute Men has also been recruited to give talks in the larger drives.
“4-Minute-Men Ready for Work,” The Indianapolis Star, 25 August 1918, p. 22:6