War Mission of Serbia Visits in Indianapolis
From The Indianapolis News, Monday, January 14: In spite of frigid weather, Indianapolis gave a warm welcome to members of the Serbian war mission this morning at the Statehouse. Dr. Milenko Vesnitch, head of the mission, spoke before a large gathering, that included many Indianapolis Serbians, of the important part Serbia has been playing in the war against Germany and her allies. He urged those able-bodied Serbians present to join the colors and go to Europe or to join the United States Army. It happens that today is the Serbian New Year, and Dr. Vesnitch received great applause from the Serbians in the audience when he wished them a happy new year. Gov. Goodrich welcomed the mission and Mayor Jewett extended cordial greetings. “We appreciate the part Serbia has played in making the world safe for democracy,” the mayor remarked.
“War Mission of Serbia Visits in Indianapolis,” The Indianapolis News, 14 January 1918, p. 16:1