Thousands of Citizens See Army Planes' Night Stunts
From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, September 18, 1924: Downtown Indianapolis was crowded last night around nine o’clock as thousands of citizens gathered to watch weird happenings in the sky with a night-flying exhibition by army air service planes. Three tiny stars, changing positions in the heavens as if playing tag, appeared over the city, followed soon by the drone of motors announcing the arrival of three DeHaviland planes flying in V-formation. Electric lights underneath the wings of the planes outlined an illuminated message announcing the Dayton International Air Race. The watchers below suddenly had their attention diverted as they saw a huge shooting star, scattering a trail of fire, as a Vaught trick plane dropped magnesium flares as it did a series of graceful loops and flip-flops, leaving a trail of smoke as various colored lights broke away from it.

“Thousands of Citizens See Army Planes’ Night Stunts,” The Indianapolis News, 18 September 1924, p. 20:3