State Legislature Passes Suffrage Resolution
From The Indianapolis News, Friday, January 16, 1920: The Indiana legislature today ratified the woman suffrage amendment to the United States Constitution, becoming the twenty-sixth state to favor granting women political equality with men. When ten more states approve ratification, the amendment will become a part of the federal Constitution. The General Assembly was called into special session by Gov. James Goodrich, and the Senate was the first chamber to adopt a resolution ratifying the amendment by a vote of 43 to 3. When the vote was announced, the packed gallery and floor of several hundred women broke into applause. After the House voted 93 to 0 in favor of the resolution, a band in the hall struck up “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” and scenes of wildest joy prevailed with women singing, scores rushing into the corridor, embracing and shaking hands.
“State Legislature Passes Suffrage Resolution,” The Indianapolis News, 16 January 1920, p. 1:1
