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Sanitation to Be Objective in Market House Remodeling

From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, August 21, 1924:  The city board of public works awarded contracts for the remodeling of the City Market with the main objective of improving its sanitation.  The old floor of the market building will be torn out and a new cement floor with proper drainage will be installed.  The old stands will also be replaced with the same number of new stands that will be elevated above the floor nine inches, allowing for frequent flushing of the floor.  A modern refrigeration system will be placed on the mezzanine floor near the meat department, keeping the meat and poultry display cases cold and sanitary and the wooden doors and window casings will be replaced with steel.  The building will be rewired providing better illumination throughout and the exterior will be cleaned, and the metal work painted.    


“Sanitation to Be Objective in Market House Remodeling,” The Indianapolis News, 21 August 1924, p. 12:2


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