Plaza Building for Ex-Soldiers at Once
From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, February 12, 1922: A committee of the National Disabled Soldiers’ League will temporarily use a vacant two-story brick double house at 16 E. Michigan St as a relief station for destitute ex-service men until it has use of the adjacent San Toy Apartment building once it is vacated according to an announcement made yesterday by Judge Arthur Robinson, chair of a committee appointed by Mayor Shank to apportion among ex-service men’s organizations the buildings which have been acquired as the city’s share of the state war memorial plaza. Free meals will be served to needy former service men and sleeping quarters will be provided for homeless veterans. One hundred baskets containing fruits, vegetables, canned goods, and other foodstuffs have been collected from city market stand holders and sent to the National Disabled Soldiers’ League for distribution.

“Relief Depot Assigned,” The Indianapolis Star, 12 February 1922, p. 10:6
“Plaza Building for Ex-Soldiers at Once,” The Indianapolis News, 11 February 1922, p. 1:6