Board to Discharge the 'Flagging' of Cars
From The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, October 5, 1921: The practice of school boys “flagging” passing automobiles for rides to and from school has resulted in many complaints, and motorcycle police stationed near public schools will be instructed to discourage the practice. Monroe E. Noblet, secretary of the Hoosier Motor Club, said his office had received a number of complaints and reports of accidents caused by “flagging.” The practice has grown in the last few weeks, and now seems most prevalent on heavily trafficked North Meridian Street. “Flagging” motor vehicles is the cause of frequent accidents on this street. The “flagging” of a car is hazardous to the youth who does the “flagging” and to the motorist who may suddenly take a notion to stop to pick up some youth, and to the string of cars closely following,” said secretary Noblet.
“Board to Discourage the ‘Flagging’ of Cars,” The Indianapolis News, 5 October 1921, p. 3:1