Flag Day Plans Include Double Program Friday
From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, June 9: Flag Day in Indianapolis will be observed with two events. Following a parade from the Elks clubhouse, 30 E. Vermont St, featuring the Boy Scouts drum corps and the Newsboys’ Band, the Indianapolis Lodge No. 13, B.P.O.E., will hold an afternoon celebration in University Park featuring a “patriotic address” by United States Senator James Watson. The Masonic Quartet will sing and the American flag will be raised by sailors from the U. S. Navy Recruiting Service. In the evening a community sing, on the north side of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, led by the seven hundred voices of the People’s Chorus and singers from the three city high schools will take place below the buildings on the Circle “profusely decorated with flags of the United States and the nations of the allies.”
“Flag Day Plans Include Double Program Friday,” The Indianapolis Star, 9 June 1918, Part 2, p. 11:5