Nov 4, 2021Foch Given Real Hoosier WelcomeFrom The Indianapolis Times, Friday, November 4, 1921: A great parade with long lines of marching men, regular soldiers, national...
Jul 27, 2021Assert Entire Plaza Project is EndangeredFrom The Indianapolis Star, Wednesday, July 27, 1921: The proposed World War memorial plaza project is endangered unless Indianapolis...
Jul 14, 2021Bastille Day to Be Legion Post FeatureFrom The Indianapolis News, Thursday, July 14, 1921: A French fete honoring Bastille Day will be given at Ellenberger Park by Irvington...
May 12, 2021Indianapolis Institutions Keep 'Open House' in Celebration of National Hospital DayFrom The Indianapolis News, Thursday, May 12, 1921: The first National Hospital Day was observed today throughout the United States and...
Mar 7, 2021Works Board Acts on Propaganda MeetingsFrom The Indianapolis News, Friday, March 7, 1921: The Indianapolis board of public works announced today that no group would be...
Jun 4, 2020Community Chest Plan is ApprovedFrom The Indianapolis News, Friday, June 4, 1920: The plan for the Community Chest of Indianapolis was approved by delegates from...
Mar 30, 2020Indiana Offers Welcome Hand to LegionariesFrom The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, March 30, 1920: An enthusiastic gathering last night at Tomlinson Hall of legionaries and citizens...
Feb 19, 2020382 On County Gold Star RollFrom The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, February 19, 1920: The Gold Star Roll of Honor for Marion County has been compiled for the...
Feb 5, 2020Americanism Will Be New School SubjectFrom The Indianapolis News, Thursday, February 5, 1920: Courses in Americanism will begin on Lincoln’s birthday in the Indianapolis...