Spring's Coming, Folks!
From The Indianapolis Times, Monday, January 29, 1923: Spring isn’t here yet, but marble games are, and that’s a sure sign nice warm weather isn’t very far away. There’s something that gets in a kid’s blood along about this time of year, and there is just one way to get relief; that’s to get out some place, mark off a ring and start a marble game. The boys don’t have to hunt very long for a place to play, for they remember from last year where the best places are - an old walk or alley where the ring already is marked off in concrete and there can be no dispute over “liners.” New players are told to “knuckle two,” meaning knuckle down with two fingers, and “no fudgin’,” as they are about to “take a crack” at the ring.

“Spring’s Coming, Folks!” The Indianapolis Times, 29 January 1923, p. 1:6