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Organizers of Unity League Work in City

From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, August 17, 1922: Nine Indianapolis men attended a meeting yesterday evening at the Denison Hotel under the auspices of the American Unity League, an anti-Ku Klux Klan society headquartered in Chicago. The men pledged to arrange a meeting next week to organize a county chapter of the league. Indianapolis attorney Ralph Bamberger was elected spokesperson for the organization committee and was instructed to consider prominent persons, who have publicly denounced the Ku Klux Klan, to speak at a mass meeting to be held later. David Day, of Richmond, Indiana, who has charge of league organizing in Indiana, presided over the meeting. He said the league’s principal objectives are, publicizing the league’s program; reviving the teaching of true American principles in all schools; extending the work of the league; and enacting laws for uniting of America.

“Organizers of Unity League Work in City,” The Indianapolis News, 17 August 1922, p. 22:4


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