Conditions of Dog Kennels Kept Secret
From The Indianapolis Times, Friday, July 8, 1921: Of the eleven dogs found in the kennels at the Indiana College of Medicine, two were in such deplorable condition that they required immediate attention of humane officers, according to a report given at a recent meeting of the Indianapolis Humane Society board of directors by Dr. George Butler, a member of the committee on inspection of the college. The society directors determined at a secret meeting to protect the medical college from any criticism of its use of dogs for experimental purposes by suppressing the report, and society members were threatened with expulsion and other “dire calamities” if they revealed to any one that the society was failing to take steps to properly see that the dogs at the medical college were being humanely treated in accordance with its public pledge.
“Condition of Dog Kennels Kept Secret,” The Indianapolis Times, 8 July 1921, p. 1:1