Broadcasting Station to Be Opened Tuesday
From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, October 30, 1924: Indianapolis residents will be able to listen to the broadcasting of Indiana and national election returns next Tuesday evening over the new radio station WFBM. The Merchants Heat & Light Co received a Class A broadcasting license yesterday from the U. S. Department of Commerce that provides for the operation of a 250-watt station on South Harding St which will primarily relay programs sent out by higher-powered stations such as Westinghouse station KDKA in East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. WFBM was established to give the several thousand owners in Indiana of small crystal receiving sets the advantage of getting programs from larger distant stations. C. A. Portman will operate the station. Radio listeners in the city have been without a local broadcasting station since WHO and WLK ceased operations more than a year ago.

“Broadcasting Station to Be Opened Tuesday,” The Indianapolis News, 30 October 1924, p. 14:1