25,000 Poppies Sold on Streets of City
From The Indianapolis Star, Sunday, May 27, 1923: Poppy Day in Indianapolis broke all previous records with the sale of 25,000 poppies yesterday. The blood-red flower worn by thousands of veterans of the World War, mothers, fathers, brothers, sons, sisters, and friends recalls and honors the sacrifice of American soldiers’ who sleep in France and Belgium. Seventy-five Girl Scouts and young women, representing the American Legion Auxiliary, sold the silk poppies, made by the widows and orphans of French soldiers, on Indianapolis downtown streets and office buildings, receiving contributions from 10 cents to $5 with proceeds exceeding $250 (2022: $4,416). Funds from the sale will be either used for the aid of the disabled veteran or applied to the $100,000 (2022: $1,766,575) endowment fund for the perpetual care of the graves of American soldiers in France and other foreign countries.

“25,000 Poppies Sold on Streets of City,” The Indianapolis Star, 27 May 1923, p. 35:5
“Thousands Wear Memorial Poppy,” The Indianapolis Times, 26 May 1923, p. 1:6