Woman's Auxiliary to Be Made Permanent
From The Indianapolis News, Wednesday, January 1, 1919: The 38th Division’s woman’s auxiliary, which was organized temporarily to welcome the returning soldiers, is planning to become a permanent organization to help with any demobilization problems according to a resolution adopted at a meeting of the auxiliary yesterday afternoon. Plans are being completed by the auxiliary for a two-day reception at the hostess house whenever the men of the 137th and 138th field artillery regiments arrive at Ft. Benjamin Harrison. The woman’s auxiliary began a year ago as the S.O.S club to knit for men in the division who had no friends or relatives. Interest and membership in the auxiliary are growing, and women of the Rainbow Regiment Cheer Association have offered their assistance in entertaining the returning 38th Division soldiers. Mrs. Richard Lieber is chair of the committee on permanent organization.
“Woman’s Auxiliary to Be Made Permanent,” The Indianapolis News, 1 January 1918, p. 9:5