Halloween Frolic Not Entirely Ruled Out
From The Indianapolis News, Thursday, October 31: With the gradual decrease in influenza cases, the Indianapolis board of health has lifted the ban on meetings and other activities just in time for ghosts, witches, goblins, and other weird figures to once again make their annual swoop along the city’s streets and gather in the glow of Jack o’ lanterns at house parties tonight in celebration of Halloween. Health officials, however, are discouraging the usual congregating of eerily garbed revelers in the downtown streets lest it might be well attended by a few lingering flu germs. While most stores have stocked Halloween paraphernalia, the merrymaking may be reduced because of the serious spirit that has pervaded this community since the war has become the dominating influence on the minds of the citizenry. Authorities warn that malicious mischief will not be tolerated.
“’Halloween Frolic Not Entirely Ruled Out,” The Indianapolis News, 31 October 1918, p. 23:7