Protective Steps Taken by Mayor
From The Indianapolis News, Friday, September 27: Mayor Charles Jewett has taken steps to prevent a Spanish influenza epidemic in Indianapolis. He has directed Dr. Herman Morgan of the city board of health to order the fumigation and cleansing of all public places - hotel lobbies, theaters, railway stations and street cars. The Mayor has also directed the chief of police to rigidly enforce the ordinance against spitting on the sidewalks and in street cars. “Fortunately, Indianapolis has not yet been infected with Spanish influenza. In recent days we have had an unusual amount of colds and grip among people, and Indianapolis stands in a dangerous and critical position. We must all work together now to avoid a serious situation that may come if we are negligent in this matter,” the Mayor said. Ft. Harrison reports ninety-seven cases of influenza.
“Protective Steps Taken by Mayor,” The Indianapolis News, 27 September 1918, p. 1:3