Colored Hospital Not Quite Up to Mark, but Is Held Worthy
From The Indianapolis Star, Thursday, September 18: The New York Bureau of Municipal Research, after an exhaustive survey, concludes the Sisters of Charity State Hospital which is for colored people of Indianapolis is “not quite up to mark, but is held worthy.” The facility at 502 N. California St is a rented private residence, refitted for a hospital. Since the state only provides a hospital for colored people who are charity patients, this is the only colored hospital in Indiana attempting to meet a practical need. It is clean and gives good nursing care, affording patients a better opportunity of getting well than could be expected in the average home. Patients will be charged $1.50 (2017: $25) a day and general contributions are expected to cover the $150 (2017: $2,489) a month expenses. It merits the assistance of unprejudiced people.
"Colored Hospital Not Quite Up to Mark, but Is Held Worthy," The Indianapolis Star, 19 September 1918, p. 7:4