Only 75 Brakes of 1,700 Autos Tested are Found Faulty
From The Indianapolis Star, Friday, October 5, 1923: Only 75 automobiles out of 1,700 cars tested by traffic police officers this week were found to have defective brakes according to Traffic Captain Michael Glenn. Motorists in a majority of the cases where automobile brakes have been found defective, have reported back to the testing officers with brakes properly adjusted. Owners of cars found with defective brakes who fail to show proof that the brakes have been properly adjusted will be reported to the accident prevention bureau, and if the automobile is involved in an accident and it is found that the motorist failed to correct any brake deficiency after being warned, this fact will be presented in evidence against the motorist. Police expect to examine all cars in Indianapolis for defective brakes at five designated testing stations during the month.

“Only 75 Brakes of 1,700 Autos Tested are Found Faulty,” The Indianapolis Star, 5 October 1923, p. 11:1