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Stores Close at 4 O'clock to Save Fuel

From The Indianapolis Star, Tuesday, November 25, 1919: Beginning yesterday afternoon at 4 p.m., coal conservation in Indianapolis began in earnest when most factories and stores in the city closed in an effort to help manage coal supplies of electricity producers while coal miners continue to strike. While not compulsory, this recommendation by the Merchants Association was widely observed with the exception of cigar stores and drug stores. Office buildings maintained only one elevator in service after 4 p.m., and a great majority of offices were dark. By 6 p.m. workers had left the city for their homes and the downtown streets were deserted. Merchants Heat & Light Co vice president Charles Murphy said the early closing saved from 175 to 200 tons of coal. A decrease of 3,000 kilowatts was noticed compared with the peak of the preceding Monday.

“Stores Close at 4 O’clock to Save Fuel,” The Indianapolis Star, 25 November 1919, p. 1:1


The Indianapolis Star, 25 November 1919, p. 2.

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